Today's Kindness #369: July 29, 2023
💧Drink More Water💧
When you're healthy and energetic, it is much easier to be kind.
If you didn't already know, you're 60% water. So for your body to function at its maximum potential, you need to drink 64 ounces of water a day (or eight 8-ounce glasses, for an easy way to remember). Taking care of your body should be a top priority. Water helps your muscles, mind, and everything else that makes you happy and healthy. Ditch the soda and have a nice glass of ice-cold water instead.
"We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one."
~ Jacques Yves Cousteau
P.S. AKAD has been nominated for Best Non-Profit/Charity Organization in Best Of Pueblo 2023! We kindly ask for your daily vote in this competition! Head here to vote for AKAD along with many other local businesses!