Today's Kindness #306: April 5, 2023


🌟Practice Self-Care🌟

National Self-Care Day is observed every year on April 5 all across the U.S.

In the hustle and bustle of life, we tend to put our needs and well-being on the back burner at times. Taking care of one's self is integral to keep functioning properly. Our minds and bodies require adequate rest and care for optimal health and well-being. This day emphasizes the importance of self-care as the basis for good health. It's also a day when individuals are encouraged to prioritize self-care and make it a habit.

'Self-care' is the act of caring for oneself through means that help us feel our healthiest and happiest. It has become the most common form of healthy living and allows us to do something that will otherwise be considered selfish — prioritizing ourselves. It has existed since the dawn of mankind, before notions of medicine, therapy, or other healthcare systems, when humans had to rely on themselves to achieve optimal health through practical means. Self-care was originally used for institutionalized patients, to help them develop self-worth through acts of personal care and preservation. It became a popular term in the medical field to truly understand mental awareness concepts like post-traumatic stress and to help patients suffering from such conditions navigate their way through life.

Self-Care Activities:

  1. Take A Social Media Break

    This holiday presents the perfect reason for distancing yourself from social media. A lot of us have found ourselves wanting to take some time off social networks or even our phones as a whole, but have found it hard to finally make that decision. Well, a part of putting yourself first is letting go of the pressures and anxiety that others may bring, and a major source of that is found through social media. So use National Self-Care Day as an excuse to stay off the socials.

  2. Enjoy The Outdoors

    Something is refreshing and rejuvenating about the great outdoors. We can't explain it, but the peace of mind that comes with taking a long walk, going for a run, or hiking is unmatched. Make sure you spend some of your time today enjoying nature and the fresh air.

  3. Do Something Nice For Yourself

    This tip is completely personal, and can only be achieved by you. Whether you are cooking your favorite meal or buying something new you've always wanted, make sure you are putting your needs first and doing something you would love. Make yourself a priority today, because you truly deserve it!

"Self-care is one of the active ways that I love myself. When you can and as you can, in ways that feel loving, make time and space for yourself."

~ Tracee Ellis Ross

Song Of The Day: