Today's Kindness #302: March 31, 2023
🎶🎵Share An Uplifting Song🎵🎶
Music has been a source of entertainment, motivation, and mood-buster since historical times. Over the years, artists have written songs about life, experiences, love, pain, etc. Depending on the phase of your life, you might have a special inclination towards a specific melody, such as motivational music, romantic lyrics, or inspirational songs.
When you feel discouraged or helpless and don't feel like discussing it with anyone, finding comfort in motivational songs becomes necessary. While sometimes you just need the inspiration to reach your goals, these songs also provide an emotional lift to a goalless life.
You would be amazed at the power of inspirational music as sometimes they prove to be miraculously boosting a tired soul. Not only do these songs help you feel motivated but also help you become a better individual. Some seek motivational advice, while others simply get inspired through music.
Today share an uplifting song with one of your friends or on your social media.
"How is it that music can, without words, evoke our laughter, our fears, our highest aspirations?"
~ Jane Swan