Today's Kindness #153: August 25, 2022
🎶💃 Just Dance! 🕺🎶
It's a self-care day, and what better way to do that, than with some dancing!
It's hard not to be happy when you're dancing. Dancing can be many things: An expression of art, a fun hobby, a representation of culture, and a great form of exercise. From aerobic health benefits to improved bone health, flexibility, and mental health, busting a move can deliver a lot of advantages.
Depending on how intensely you jump up, jump up, and get down (jump, jump, jump, jump, etc.), dance can serve as a hardcore workout that's good for your heart.
Research has found that regular moderate-intensity dancing is associated with a reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease. And this benefit is significantly more pronounced for dance than for walking.
So take it back to 1977 and get your disco on with 'Stayin' Alive' or head to the '90s and give your best 'Vouge' pose.
"There are shortcuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them."
~ Vicki Baum